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Class 6H

Hello from all of 6H!

Now we are into the 2nd half of the spring term, we are working even harderr than ever. Below, is a summary of what we have been learning in all our subjects since the start of term.



In Year 6, as with all other year groups, each child will be given a homework grid at the start of a term and returned to school during the last week. However, as our Year 6 children will be taking their Sats test in May 2024, there will be weekly short Reading and Mathematics homework which will be handed in by the following Thursday.



This half term In English, we will be reading a series of short stories in  abook called Short by Kevin Crossley-Holland. There are numerous very short stories which are all cleverly written from many different genres.



In Maths, we have spent the first half of the Spring Term developing our Reasoning skills in Number. We will now be moving on to Statistics, Geometry and Measures within which we will develop Reasoning skills for each strand



In Science, we will be studying all about living things, how and why they are classified and we have evn developed our classification system for leaves, flowers and ourselves. This meant a lot of learning outside the classroom which is always very engaging. 



We will be developing our understanding of spreadsheets.



In Geography, we will be learning all about climate change and how it is affecting our wonderful planet. We will also investigate ways to help drastically reduce climate change as quickly as possible.



Art/DT takes place every Friday morning in our Art Room. This half term we are taking part in a project called Come Dine With Me. 



In order to ensure we cover all aspects of the PSHCE curriculum, we use a project called Jigsaw which is engaging, imaginative and very practical. At present our topic is Healthy Me.



This half term, we will be studying major and minor chords.



In PE, we are developing our wall and net games skills. This will involve badminton . By the end of the unit, we should be able to play a competitive game using the basic skills taught during lessons. Our PE slot in on Thursday afternoons. 



RE sessions are on a Friday and this term. We are considering who was Jesus?


Home Reading

You will be given a reading book to take home. Please aim to read at least 3 times a week and ask an adult to sign your reading record to show us what you have done. Reading books will be changed when needed.  
