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Class 3VW

Welcome to 3VW!smiley


In 3VW the class teacher is Mrs Wilkinson and the teaching assistant is Mrs Mahmood. 


In 3VW the homework is set at the start of every half term and will be collected in on the last week of the half term. On the homework sheet are a range of activities that link to the topics covered in class. The activities can be completed in any order and at any time in your homework book. A copy of the homework grid for the half term can also be found on the link above. You will be rewarded for any homework activities that are completed and returned on time.


If you want to do some additional learning at home, you have passwords for Purple Mash, Times Table Rock Star, Spelling Shed, LBQ and IDL. Once set up, these logins will be stuck in the front of their homework book should you need them. You will find the links to these websites at the bottom of the page.


You will be given a reading book to take home. Please aim to read at least 3 times a week and ask an adult to sign your reading record to show us what you have done. Reading books will be changed twice a week if needed. As adults in school do try to listen to readers regularly, please could reading books be returned to school each day so we can do this.


Our PE days are TUESDAY and THURSDAY. You will come to school in your uniform on your PE day and we will get changed in school. Please make sure that your PE Kit is in school each day. The PE kit required is a white t-shirt, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and black pumps. We will be doing Spanish with Senorita Valero on  We will also be taking part in Forest school activities this year, which we will inform you about when we know more details. 


In English this half term we are writing our own version of a suspense story, based on a piece of writing called 'Staying Out'. 


In Maths we will be working on place value and addition and subtraction.


In Geography we are learning about the UK, including where in the world the UK is, which continent it is in and the seas surrounding it, the four countries that make up the UK and the capital cities. 


In Science we will be learning about Light and Dark. We are learning about darkness being the absence of light, how shadows are formed and investigating shadows.


In Music we are learning about rhythm and pulse, we are very excited because we are being taught by Mr Brown our specialist music teacher this term.  


In PE we will be learning the skills we need for invasion games- netball. We will learn skills and then play mini games in small groups. We will also be thinking about the qualities needed for sports, such as honesty and resilience. 


Our topic in PSHE this term is 'Being me in my world'. This is a good opportunity to think about who we are and what our interests and goals are. We also think about what makes us feel proud!


We are all looking forward to our first term together at the Junior School!




