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Mrs Barnes with one of her reading groups in the Oasis One room.

Reading Interventions

Some of our pupils attend Read Write Inc groups. These take place three times a week for 20-30 minutes each week. Some targeted pupils who need additional support with reading use 'Phonic Books' and work 1:1 with a SSA on a daily basis together with daily practise of phonics speed sounds.


Speech and Language

We have a  Speech Therapist who works in school every Tuesday. She provides support for a wide variety of speech and language related areas. She will often carry out her own assessments of pupils to determine how she might be able to provide support or she may have pupils referred to her by the class teacher. Some of her groups provide support to improve confidence or social skills. Other groups are working on increasing vocabulary, memory strategies or skills needed for story telling.

We also employ a teacher three days each week for S&L interventions to support the advice and additional support from the therapist.


Motor Skill Groups

Children with gross motor skill difficulties attend Body Awareness groups with Mr Baker during the morning in addition to PE lessons. These sessions last for half an hour once or twice each week. Children experiencing difficulties with fine motor skills may access a Clever Fingers group that is run by their class SSA. Miss Makin also runs a Thai Chi Club one morning a week before school and works with targeted pupils for Sensory Integration work.


Oasis Room

Our Oasis Rooms are used by staff to provide a nurturing environment. They also provide additional opportunities  for pupils who need support with making friends, social skill development and speaking and listening.

Oasis Room 1 is run by Mrs Bolton, our ELSA, and is aimed at pupils in Year 3 and Year 4

Oasis Room 2 is run by Mrs Hedley, our ELSA, and is aimed at pupils in Year 5 and Year 6.

This means we can address the differing needs around mental health and wellbeing as the pupils get older and the support and interventions can be adapted accordingly.


Forest Room

This is managed by Mrs Parkinson (SENCo) who works closely with 2 SSAs to provide additional support for small groups of pupils for Reading, English and Maths each morning.


Play Therapist

We employ a Play Therapist one day each week to support pupils as required through the school.
