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Special Education Needs and Inclusion

Shadsworth Junior School Special Educational Needs

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is called Mrs Wilkinson. Mrs Wilkinson was previously a Class Teacher here and now as the school's SEN Co-ordinator. 


Mrs Wilkinson can be contacted via email at 

or via the school office on 01254 698016. 

Shadsworth Junior School has achieved the Inclusion Quality Mark Flag Ship status in recognition of how we provide for the needs of our pupils. Our aim is to work with parents and outside agencies if relevant to provide a learning environment where all pupils achieve the best that they can. 


Following assessments, in consultation with parents and teachers, pupils who are not making suitable progress may be placed on our SEND profile.  The pupil will then have an Individual Education Plan (IEP), with SMART targets which are reviewed three times a year.


We liaise with a number of different outside agencies to provide support and strategies for our SEND pupils. We work closely with teachers and we aim to identify pupils with SEND as early as possible so that interventions can be put in place. If it is felt to be appropriate as part of our graduated response  through SEND meetings, we will seek parent's permission to make a referral to one of the outside agencies to come into school and work with us.


If it is felt necessary, Mrs Wilkinson will involve outside agencies such as an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist or make a referral to SEND Support Service.  The authority also has an advisory service called SEND Support Service (SENDSS) and for some of our pupils they will need to have involvement from them.  Their service provides support for pupils on the autistic spectrum, sensory and physical difficulties, and speech and language difficulties.  Often these advisory teachers work closely with the paediatricians who are also heavily involved with a number of our pupils. If your child is involved with a paediatrician, then Mrs Wilkinson will be providing them with regular updates and information.


We employ an educational psychologist called Rebecca Ashton.  She works alongside our local authority Educational Psychologist to provide invaluable support for both pupils and teachers. She is in school two days each half term.


We also employ a speech therapist to work in school with the children every Tuesday. She is called Aimie Hill. Aimie works closely with Mrs Wilkinson to carry out specific speech and language work. Aimie may also carry out assessments to help staff to understand pupils better. She may provide strategies for class teachers or alternatively provide interventions to support individual pupils in small groups or on a 1:1 basis. Jane Kay is one of our teachers who also supports pupils speech and language. She works closely with Aimie and Mrs Wilkinson to provide additional speech and language groups on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 


We also have a Play Therapist who works in school one day a week.

