Parents have the statutory right under Section 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to withdraw their children from RE lessons and acts of Collective Worship in schools. You can also request a withdrawal from any subjects, lessons, or assemblies involving discussions on the topic of sex and relationships.
This is done by writing to the school office informing them of your wishes.
At Shadsworth Junior School our RE curriculum creates a safe, inclusive space for open dialogue on sensitive issues, empowering our children to engage thoughtfully with complex questions and appreciate diverse worldviews, as well as fostering respect and tolerance amongst one another.
It is intended that the experiential learning opportunities we provide, including visits to different places of worship and inviting guest speakers, enrich our children’s understanding, as well as provide them with memorable learning experiences.
Our RE curriculum emphasises an inclusive, enquiry-based approach that explores key themes such as belief, values, identity, practices, and ethics, while incorporating a wide range of religious and non-religious views.
Our R.E. Ambassadors
We assess RE as follows:
- Observations and questioning by staff during lessons
- Verbal feedback during the lesson on the next steps
- End of unit quiz based on the National Curriculum key objectives for the unit
- Recorded and tracked using INSIGHT Tracking
- The subject leader monitors the data from each class year group and gives feedback on strengths and areas to develop