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Class 4G

Welcome to 4G.


In class 4G our class teacher is Mrs Gaines and our teaching assistant is Mrs Coe. 



Our homework is set at the start of every half term and will be collected in the last week. The activities can be completed in any order and at any time over the half term. A copy of the homework grid for the half term can be found on the link above and also inside your homework book. There will be a range of activities that are linked to the topics covered in class. You will be rewarded for any homework activities that are completed and returned on time.


Home Reading

You will be given a reading book to take home. Please aim to read at least 3 times a week and ask an adult to sign your reading record to show us what you have done. Reading books will be changed twice a week or when needed.  Please try to bring your book into school every day so that we can listen to your child read in school.



Our PE days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our PE kit is a white T-shirt, black shorts and black school pumps. Your PE kit can be brought into school and it can stay in school until the end of the term. 


Home Learning

Should you be absent for longer periods of time this year, it is really important that if you feel well enough you do keep up with your learning at home. We will continue using the website LBQ for our home learning. Each day, you will be sent a text message with an access code which will allow you to access the work set for that day. Some children may also have access to another website called IDL which can also be used to complete learning at home.  Both these and other useful websites can be found on the link below.


Curriculum Overview


We will be learning about place value so that we can confidently read and write numbers up to 10, 000 in numerals and words. We will be learning how to identify, represent, and estimate numbers using different representations and understand the place value of each digit in four-digit numbers as well as comparing numbers and rounding them to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000.   


We will be reading and writing a historical story. In reading, we will be learning how to use prediction, inference, and discussion so that we can understand the text we are reading. In writing, will be learning how to use fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases, and subordinate conjunctions so that our writing is more interesting to read.


We are learning about the digestive system and the body parts that are involved in this process and the roles they play.


We will be learning all about keeping safe whilst using the internet for online gaming, learning, and browsing. We will also be using Google Slides to create a healthy menu for our 


We will be learning about the importance of our school community and the roles that we play in making our school a happy place to be in.


We will be learning about Europe (countries and cities) with the following:  Which hemisphere(s) is it in?  Where is it in relation to other places we have studied or know about, including countries and continents (using 8 points of a compass)?  Which bodies of water are nearby? Which major rivers are found here?  Which major mountains are found here? Which major landmarks are found here?  What human-made features are found here? How was the land used here now and in the past? 


We are delighted to be learning to play the African djembe drums. We will be learning how to use the correct posture and play with alternative left and right hands.  We will learn how to understand the rhythm and tempo and the dynamics. We will learn how to play different high and low tones and how to play call and response accurately. We will how to develop our skills further by improvising a rhythmic pattern and note lengths.


We will be learning how to make a Roman mosaic picture.



