Class 5W
Welcome to Year 5
In class 5W our class teacher is Mr. Warren and our teaching assistants are Miss Farrington and Miss Bolton.
Our homework is set at the start of every half term and will be collected in the last week. The activities can be completed in any order and at any time over the half term. A copy of the homework grid for the half term can be found on the link above and inside your homework book. There will be a range of activities that are linked to the topics covered in class. You will be rewarded for any homework activities that are completed and returned on time. Please let the class teacher know if you have any problems completing your homework.
Home Reading
You will be given a reading book to take home. Please aim to read at least 3 times a week and ask an adult to sign your reading record to show us what you have done. Reading books will be changed once you have read your book but please let the teacher know when you need to change your book. Please try to bring your book to school every day so that we can listen to you read in school.
If you want to do some additional learning at home, you will be given passwords for Purple Mash, Lbq, Timetable Rockstars, and Spelling Shed. You can do as much practice as you like on here and earn points and rewards as you go.
5W PE day is Friday afternoons. For P.E. children wear black or blue shorts, a white t-shirt and black pumps. PE kits are to be kept in school. In PE we will be learning strategies to use in invasion games this half term.
We are also very lucky that we have a Spanish teacher called Senorita Valero who visits us every other Tuesday.
Curriculum Overview – Autumn 2
English: Reading The Lorax by Dr. Seuss and writing a letter to ask the Once-ler to stop chopping down the truffula trees. Children will be creating descriptions of the characters and settings; finding evidence from the text to answer questions, practicing grammar, and spelling skills.
Maths: Daily arithmetic work focusing on the four maths operations. This half term we are also learning about shape, telling the time, reading timetables and fractions.
History: Learning all about the Anglo Saxons; where they came from, why they came to Britain and King Vortigern.
Science: Learning about reversible and irreversible changes. Looking at evaporation, dissolving, filtering and separation.
PSHE: Using Jigsaw resources to learn about celebrating differences.
Computing: Learning all about creating a slide presentation on google slides, linking with both science and history topics.
Music: Learning different singing techniques, appraising music and performing a class song for the Christmas production.
RE: Looking at the question: How do Christians reflect the true meaning of Christmas?
Art / DT: In DT were are looking at mechanical systems and making a sling shot car.