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Year 3 Electrical Systems

To launch our new topic, the children had lots of fun exploring how to make a simple circuit. First, we discussed what electricity is, where it comes from and how it is made before naming some different light sources. We then began making our circuit. We were then set the challenge of making a switch using a piece of cardboard, two split pins and a paper clip. Once we had done that, we integrated it into our circuit and was amazing that we could turn the bulb on and off by simply moving the paper clip away from the split pin. We then discussed why this happened using vocabulary such as open switch, closed switch, insulator and conductor.

We then started to compare portable electrical torches. We discussed how these had developed over time and were amazed at how the very first torches looked! We then focussed on a modern torch that would be used today. We learnt about the different parts and learnt new vocabulary such as contacts, housing, lens, reflector and switch. 

We were then given two character profiles and asked to design a torch to fit a set of specific user needs. It was then time to make the circuit for our torch. We made a switch out of cardboard, two split pins and a paper clip and secured it to the outside of our bottle. We then had lots of fun trying to fit our circuit into the bottle without it breaking. This was very fiddly and we had to have lots of patience! 

Finally, we designed our casing for our torch by looking carefully at our plan. We then secured the casing around our bottle to finish our torch. Here are some of our finished pieces. 

Finally, we evaluated our final pieces. We thought very carefully about the new skills we had learnt, what we had enjoyed, what we found difficult and how we would improve our final piece if we were to create it again. 
