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Class 6H


Hello from all of 6H!

We have now settled very well into life in Year 6.  We are working incredibly hard but having fun with it too. Below is information on which topics we are studying this term.



In Year 6, as with all other year groups, each child will be given a homework grid at the start of a term and returned to school during the last week. We are also setting LBQ homework for Maths and English every night from Monday to Thursday.



This half term In English, we will be reading a very funny story called There's a boy in the girl's bathroom. The characters are very entertaining and their personalities constantly switch. We have written a letter as our end of unit write in the role of the main character focusing on emotions. We are also writing an information Text on volcanoes because we are studying volcanoes in Geography. therefore, we are trying to make links.



In Maths, we will spend the first half of the Autumn Term developing improving our number skills in: the four operations, fractions, decimals and percentages. We will then move on to Measures and Statistics after half term.



In Science, we will be studying all about  our heart, lungs and blood. This meant a lot of learning outside the classroom which is always very fun. We love learning outside our classroom.



We will be developing our computational skills through programming using Scratch.



In Geography, we will be learning all about volcanoes and tectonic plates. We have also linked it to our English.



Art/DT takes place every Friday morning in our Art Room. This half term we are looking at volcano abstract art which is linked to our Geography and English topics.



In order to ensure we cover all aspects of the PSHCE curriculum, we use a project called Jigsaw which is engaging, imaginative and very practical. At present our topic is Being Me. then we will move onto Celebrating Differences.



This half term, we will be studying drumming through 7 Nations Army drumming leading onto Samba drumming.



In PE, we are developing our skills and tactics through Invasion Games. This will involve netball. By the end of the unit, we should be able to play a competitive game using the basic skills taught during lessons. Our PE slot in on Thursday afternoons. 



RE sessions are on a Friday and this term we will be studying life as a journey through pilgrimages in different religions.


Home Reading

You will be given a reading book to take home. Please aim to read at least 3 times a week and ask an adult to sign your reading record to show us what you have done. Reading books will be changed when needed.  
