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Medical Information

Administration of Medicines Policy

Medicines in school

At Shadsworth Junior School, we’re happy to help by giving prescribed medicines to children during the school day when needed.

How it works:

  • If your child needs prescribed medicine at school, you’ll need to fill in a medical consent form. 
  • This form gives permission for one of our trained staff to give the medicine.
  • Without a completed and signed form, we won’t be able to give your child their medicine.


All medicines must be brought into school by an adult and handed to a member of staff in the school office. We will only accept prescribed medicines if they are in-date, clearly labelled, and provided in their original container from the pharmacist. The container must include clear instructions for administration, dosage, and storage. At no time should children have the medicine in school whilst unsupervised.


First Aid

Shadsworth Junior School is committed to keeping everyone safe and well. We provide immediate first aid and medical care for pupils and staff whenever needed. Our first aid boxes are checked regularly to ensure they are fully stocked, and we have a defibrillator on-site for emergencies. Most of our staff are first aid qualified, so help is always close by.

If an accident happens during the school day, we will record it and inform you. This might be done orally, through our text message system, or by sending a letter home. 



It is essential that your child has an in-date inhaler and, if prescribed, a spacer with them at all times for when it is needed.

Additionally, we require an asthma care plan from your child’s asthma nurse or GP. This plan helps us provide the appropriate support and ensure we meet their needs effectively.


Emergency Asthma Inhaler
At Shadsworth Junior School, we have an emergency inhaler available for situations where a child’s inhaler is lost, broken, or runs out. Please note that only children whose parents have signed the ‘Emergency Asthma Inhaler Form’ will be able to use this inhaler.


Allergies & Intolerances
As many children experience allergies or intolerances, you must keep us updated on any of these conditions to ensure we can provide the best care for your child.


Sickness and Diarrhoea

If your child has a stomach bug, they must not return to school for 48 hours after the last time they are sick or have diarrhoea.

For guidance on the following conditions, please refer to the NHS website by clicking the links below:

Diarrhoea and/or vomiting
German measles/rubella
Hand, foot and mouth disease
Head Lice
Cold Sores
Scarlet Fever
Slapped cheek
Whooping cough


For any specific concerns related to your child's health or medical needs, please speak to

Mrs. McAuley in our school office, who handles pupil medical and health issues.

Telephone: 01254 698016

